The holiday season is meant to be magical and full of excitement, especially for the children in our lives. What people don’t often talk about is how hard it can be for everyone, but especially those who have experienced trauma or the loss of someone special. Many of the kinship children and families we work with have experienced significant trauma and the loss of very important people in their lives. We wanted to acknowledge how hard this time can be and let all of our supporters and caregivers know, we are here for you. Here is a list of ideas to help you have a positive holiday season.
- Keep Tradition. Just like routines, traditions are important for little ones too. Maybe it’s too hard to do the same one they used to do with their biological parents, but you can create new ones now.
- Get the children involved. Ask them what their favorite holiday memories are and what traditions they want to keep or add.
- Practice gratitude, while it feels like their might not be a lot to be thankful for. I bet there is at least some. Make it a routine to write down a couple things you are thankful for each day.
- Spend time together. It doesn’t have to be extravagant. Find ways to connect with each other by doing a craft or making cookies.
- Remember to take care of yourself. Self care routines might be more important now than ever before.
Remember, it is okay if you don’t feel okay. Have grace with yourself and only do as much as you can. We are here for you. If you want more ideas or to brainstorm ways to have a positive holiday season for your family, please reach out to our Navigators. We hope you have the happiest of holiday seasons.