July 24 is International Self Care Day

Published on July 12, 2024

In honor of International Self Care Day being on July 24th, we wanted to spend some time talking about the importance of self- care. We often hear caregivers share they don’t have time to take care of themselves when they are so busy taking care of everyone else. You matter and taking care of yourself is taking care of others because you cant put on anyone else’s oxygen mask if you don’t have oxygen to do so.

Everyday self-care can be hard, but in the summer it can seem impossible. Many families have kiddos home and are struggling to keep up with their routines and behaviors. We wanted to share some simple ways to insert self-care in your daily life this summer. Here are some ideas and if you have more that have worked for you, please share on our social media and tag kinship connections of Wyoming.

Drink water – This seems simple, but so many times we forget when everyone else is a priority.

Create Routine- Make a schedule for your days. Having endless time to do whatever the kids want can be very chaotic. Make a calendar and add fun activities (many can be free such as the library). Having a predictable schedule helps the caregiver feel in control and the child knows what to expect.

Schedule a special self-care time- Schedule “self-care” or “quiet” time with the kids every day. During this time the kids can practice self-care such as Yoga on YouTube, nap time, reading a book, taking a bath. This creates a time for you to take care of yourself and for them to learn the importance.

Wake up Early- Wake up 30 mins-1 hr before the children and do what you need to be successful. Go for a walk, write in your journal, listen to your favorite songs. Having this time to breathe before chaos ensues, can be so helpful.

We completely understand that sometimes if feels like taking care of yourself isn’t possible, make it a priority and you will find simple ways to take care of you. If you need help finding ideas, please contact a kinship navigator today. We would love to help strategize ways to help you.