LCP Hack

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

Published on May 9, 2024

In honor of May being National Mental Health Awareness Month, we wanted to raise awareness about the lifelong impact on children in the child welfare systems mental health and ways to support them. While many of the children being cared for by kinship caregivers may not be in the formal system, they too have experienced the same traumatic events and adverse childhood experiences.

Teaching the children you care for about mental wellness is so important. As a caregiver, finding ways to stay educated about mental health and how children are impacted is key. Here are ways to promote positive mental health in the lives of the children you care for.:

  • Routines/Predictability
  • Regular Exercise
  • Positive Outlets- Art, Reading, Hobbies
  • Learning about Emotions
  • Seeking Help

Putting some of these practices into your children’s lives now is so important. We also wanted to highlight the impact on you as a caregiver can be large. Secondary Trauma is real, and it is something that has to be addressed head on. Putting positive self-care practices in for yourself can make a huge impact. You have to put your oxygen mask on before you put on your child’s. While this can be so very hard as a full time caregiver, you being okay is one of the most important factor in your child being okay.
Remember, it is okay to not be okay. Our navigators are here to help you. Please reach out if you need resources on how to help yourself or your children.