LCP Hack

Transitioning Back

Published on January 14, 2025

Winter can be a very hard time for so many. It’s cold, dark, and in Wyoming it is very long. Coming out of the holiday season can be very difficult. There is so much excitement, hype, and constant engagement. We have so much to focus on and so much to look forward to and then it is gone. As an adult this is hard to cope with and it is especially hard for children. Many of the children our caregivers take care of have experienced extensive trauma which impacts them day in and day out. All of these feelings on top of that trauma can be too much at times. Every family is different but here are some tips to helping the entire family transition from winter break/ the holiday season back to their “business as usual ”routine.

  1. Acknowledge feelings – sitting down with the family and creating a space to feel together can be so beneficial. You can get creative and make a “worry box” This can be a box set somewhere in the common space where everyone can write their worries down and put them in the box. You can read them together, or if it would be more helpful, putting them in the box can be like giving them away.
  2. Create new routines and maintain old ones- It’s so normal to get out of routine during an extended break. Start back up in the positive routines that have worked for your family. Bed times, structure, and schedules.
  3. Plan play dates or positive events- having things to look forward to helps get through the winter and harder times.
  4. Encourage movement- It is so beneficial to move your body. Encourage whatever exercise works for your family or your children.
  5. Get all the Sunshine you can- While the sunshine time is limited, soak up as much as you possibly can. Bundle up and go out together for a short walk or build a snowman.

This time isn’t easy for so many, we want you to know you are not alone. If you need help creating routines or talking through emotions, please reach out to us.