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Thankful Thankful Thankful

In true Thanksgiving fashion, we wanted to take some time to talk about thankfulness. While sometimes being thankful seems so easy, there are days that it just doesnt come naturally. Here are some ideas for getting your kinship children engaged in practicing thankfulness and gratitude this month. 

1. Thankful Turkey or Thankful Tree- cut out a turkey  out of construction paper and multi colored feathers. The kiddo can assemble their turkey. On each feather, write one thing they are thankful for and share. Do the same with the tree. You can go outside and have them pick out a branch and put the paper leaves on with tape. Write what you are thankful for on each leaf. This is a fun activity for anyone and especially for the little ones to learn about thankfulness. 

2. 5 senses gratitude - one thing you can see, touch, smell, taste, and hear. This helps kiddos connect with their body and practice gratitude all in one activity. 

3.  Gratitude Rock- Go on a family walk and each member finds a small rock they like. Go home and decorate the rock. This rock will now be the "gratitude rock" as a reminder of gratitude. They can carry the rock around in their pocket and every time they feel it or are having a hard time, think of one thing to be thankful for. This helps teach children about the practice of daily gratitude and having a positive mindset. 

4. Give Thanks Pumpkin- Keep a pumpkin at the kitchen table and whenever you sit down to eat, have them write something they are thankful for that day on the pumpkin with a sharpie ( if they cant write, you can ask and write for them). 

This time of year is so hard for  many people who have experienced trauma. These activities can be helpful for both our caregivers and kinship children. As always, if you are needing support , reach out to a kinship navigator by dialing 2-1-1. 
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